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located in bass library, originally published in 1977
I choose this book because the cover looked interesting and I liked that the book was a mixture of both black and white and colored pages. To look at the pages individually, you can click on the images on the home page to view that particular page. I organized the book in reverse chronological order because when I found the book, I noticed the back cover of the book first then looked through the rest of the pages, so the first item on the home screen is actually the back cover not the front. To browse through the pages, there are back and/or next arrows on each page, I tried to organize the next/back arrows so that it reflected actually browsing through a book, because typically you look through a book in one direction then change to the next so some pages have both forward and backwards arrows while others have only a forward or backward arrows.
graphic novel written by art spiegelman published in New York, New York by Pantheon Books 72 pages (34 in black and white, 38 in color)